Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last Day of School Surprise

As the school year was coming to an end, I've been working really hard on getting organized for next year. I already had so many plans for incorporating more games into my lessons & I had created many of those and starting teaching my kids how to play independently. I also had already organized most of my materials into themed notebooks- moving away from the file folders, gallon Ziploc baggies, and tubs that I had used previously. When the last day of post-planning arrived, I only had 1 small paperwork task left before I was completely finished for the year and off for my two-week break before Extended School Year started. But then came the surprise.

I have been moved to the Autism Program. I have many mixed feelings about this- I am both excited and anxious- but one thing I am certain about is that I will be placed where I am needed and I will quickly fall in love with those kids. I have missed using all that I have learned at TEACCH trainings and being with the kids that made me fall in love with SPED. This will give me an opportunity to get back to my roots. But I was so organized and ready for next year!!!!

Oh well, no time to focus on that. I have a room to get ready! I thought this would be a great opportunity to share how I am setting up my Pre-K and Kindergarten Autism classroom so stay tuned for pictures & tips to come.

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